Port Yasmine Hammamet provides all formalities of entry and exit from the territory. Customs, National Guard, Border Police and Merchant Marine are grouped with the Port Captainerie..
Except for emergency situations, all yachts arriving by sea from other countries must dock a port harboring a customs and immigration office, in order to carry out the usual procedures.
Upon arrival at a Tunisian port, all foreign vessels must clearly carry the flag of their own nationality as well as the Tunisian flag.
Upon entering the port, the owner or user of the vessel must present himself at the authorities, immigration police and customs, office to make his formal declaration of entry.
Once the entry formalities have been completed, Customs office delivers a free navigation permit for the vessel, specifying its duration of use. This permit gives the boat the right to sail in Tunisian territorial waters and exempts it from any other customs formality until the next exit to a foreign destination.
In case of immobilization of the boat in the port, duly recorded by the customs services, the period of immobilization (as for winter parking) is deducted from the navigation period. The unrestricted circulation license is valid for a period of 6 months per year, and may be renewed at the holder’s request.
Upon exit to a foreign destination, the ship's user must submit his exit declaration to the authorities, immigration police and customs, at the port of departure as well as the unrestricted circulation license that was delivered to him at his arrival.